Disease Prevention

Front – left to right – dogs – Jazz Lund, Addi Martin.

Rear – left to right – Mason Martin, Sean Lund, Mike Boyd, Dylan Lund, Jim Martin.

Front Row, left to right – Sean Lund, Jim Martin, Mason Martin, John Reger (Santa Claus! J ) and Kelly Armstrong.

                        Back Row, left to right – Jim Ozbun, Dylan Lund, Mike Boyd, Larry bares, Dave Anderson, Don Bares.

The Dickinson Rotary Club joins Rotarians from all over the world in a joint effort to eradicate polio and other diseases. With the help of Rotary, the dread disease, polio, is nearly wiped off the face of the earth. We continue to raise funds to contribute to PolioPlus, and our funds are matched two to one by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in an effort to eradicate the disease once and for all. The photo above is a Rotary pheasant hunt that was auctioned off to raise money for PolioPlus.

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