Dickinson Rotary

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Rotary?
  • Worldwide organization of business, professional and civic leaders.
  • Promotes humanitarian service.
  • Encourages high ethical standards in all vocations.
  • Helps build goodwill and peace in the world.
  • For more information visit www.rotary.org
What is my role?

Rotarians like you make Rotary the wonderful organization that it is. Your tireless efforts have a positive impact on communities around the world. We want to inspire prospective members to join us in our efforts. You can help because it’s up to all of us to communicate our story in all of our interactions.

What is the cost?
  1. Full Membership – $550 per year which includes:
    • $150 for Rotary international and District 5580 dues
    • Cost of weekly meals (Over $900 value)
    • Special functions are extra
    • Membership participation in fundraising events (which may include contributions of finances and/or time
    • Payment plans are available
  2. Corporate Membership – $575 annually for primary member with full privileges
    • $50 per person per year for up to three affiliate members who may attend in primary’s absence.
    • Contact club for full details
  3. Basic member – $250 annually plus one time $30 initiation fee
    • Pay guest meal fee for each meeting attended
    • Contact Club for full details. (All amounts listed are subject to change)
How can I become a member?
  1. Click “send me membership information” form on home page and click “send message”
  2. Personal invitation and then proposal for membership by another member
  3. Complete application form and submit entrance fees
  4. Board will vote on application, contact you for more information if needed.
  5. Upon club approval, you are inducted into the club.
Can I bring a guest?

YES! We LOVE your family and friends!


  • Just invite them!
  • Introduce them at the beginning of the meeting.
  • You will be billed for a guest meal at the current meal rate.
What are special events?
    • Armed Forces Day luncheon (May)
      • A wonderful celebration of Armed Forces with a community luncheon and special speaker. Members do not pay additional ticket price. Community members and guests can get tickets at the door for the current meal price. 
    • Other special events as scheduled. Guests are welcome and you will be billed for the ticket price (generally $30-$40 per person)
How much time will it take?
  • 50% attendance at meetings is encouraged by Rotary International. There are many ways to meet this requirement, such as:
    • Attending in another city or online, electronic meetings.
    • Club functions or by attending board or committee meetings.
    • Participating in District meetings and functions.
    • Attend via zoom weekly
  • Corporate members are asked to be represented at least 3 meetings per month including service at a Rotary project; basic members are asked to come to a minimum of one meeting per month or equivalent service at a Rotary project.
What is the Dickinson Rotary Impact Fund

The Dickinson Rotary Foundation supports Dickinson Rotary charities and donations and is tax deductible. Your donation stays with the foundation and any interest earned is returned to the Dickinson Rotary Club annually for distribution to their causes. You can make a donation in any amount by clicking https://ndcf.net/.

What is the Rotary International Foundation?
  • Not-for-profit corporation
  • Supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve peace and world understanding through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs
  • Supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends
  • $1,000 donation is a Paul Harris Fellow
  • $100 donation per year is Paul Harris Sustaining
  • Click here for more information on the Rotary Foundation.
What projects do we do?
  • Local & International Scholarships, Triple Crown Rodeo, Pancake Karnival
  • Highway Cleanup
  • PolioPlus™ worldwide eradication of polio
  • Reading & dictionary donations in local schools
  • Exchange programs
  • Schools in Guatemala and much more
  • Donations to area projects which are determined annually by the committees and Dickinson Rotary Board. To be considered for a donation, click (here).

Dickinson Rotary Club

District 5580

PO Box 809

Dickinson, ND 58602-0809


Wednesday Noon Meetings

Visiting Rotarians and guests welcome!

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